The Jesus Paradox - The God eye and the human eye
two sides of the same coin
"at once god and human -cyril of alexandria
hermitage at benedict's monastery in snowmass,colorado
dynamic union
you are invited
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Song to The Creator by Hildegard of Bingen

You, all-accomplishingWord of Godare the light of primordialdaybreak over the spheres.You, the foreknowingmind of divinity,foresaw all your worksas you willed them,your presence hiddenin the heart of your power,your power like a wheel around the world,whose circling never beganand never slides to an end. -Hildegard of Bingen Sounds True has titles by teachers and authors such […]

Cyril of Alexandria and Severus of Antioch: Root Theologians of The Jesus Paradox

Cyril of Alexandria (378-444) and Severus of Antioch (465-542) were the primary defenders of the non-dual theology of Jesus known as Miaphysite (The Jesus Paradox). As Cyril wrote, “Jesus is ‘at once’ God and human.” In other words, Jesus is paradoxically Creator and creature, Divine and human, infinite and finite, absolute and relative, immortal and […]