The Jesus Paradox - The God eye and the human eye
two sides of the same coin
"at once god and human -cyril of alexandria
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Tempered Mysticism of the Alexandrian Mystics 06-11-2014

The Alexandrian Mystics taught that Jesus’ Divinity with a capital D and his humanity with a lower case h are always in dynamic tension and can never be separated. This mysterious paradox is the foundation of a broad Christianity in the spirit of Thomas Merton.

In recent decades, polarizing extremes have thrown Christianity into various tail spins. So, there are hundreds of thousands of Christians without a spiritual home. The profound depths of Christian mysticism correctly understood can cure the spiritual homelessness of seekers.
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The purpose of my book, Healing The Divide, is to make the crown jewel of Alexandrian theology accessible to the common reader. The tempered mysticism of the Alexandrian Mystics has the God-given potential to heal Christianity’s Twenty-first Century divide and spawn renewal.

BE STILL AND LISTEN: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life

ISBN: 978-1612618654
Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Number of pages: 160
Publication Date: June 12th, 2018

Where to Buy

BE STILL AND LISTEN books are available at
many fine bookstores including. . .

Audio Book:


Healing The Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots

ISBN: 978-1-62032-365-6
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Number of pages: 316
Publication Date: March 29, 2013

Where to Buy

Healing The Divide books are available at
many fine bookstores including. . .

