The Jesus Paradox - The God eye and the human eye
two sides of the same coin
"at once god and human -cyril of alexandria
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Jesus is multidimensional. He’s the laughing Jesus, who reclines at table with misfits and oddballs (Luke 7:36-50). He’s the fiery eyed prophet who overturns temple tables and drives out money-changers with a whip (Matthew 21:12). He’s the compassionate one who weeps at the death of his beloved friend Lazarus’ (John 11:35). He’s the ecstatic desert mystic who fasts and prays forty days and nights (Luke 4:1-2).

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Jesus is the God-man who walks on the stormy sea (Mark 6:48). He’s the healer whose electricity flows from his robes—one touch of the robe’s hem and you’ll come away whole (Luke 8:44). He’s the baby born of peasants lying in the damp hay among barn animals (Luke 2:16). He’s the young man who amazes scholars with his profound knowledge of Hebrew scripture (Luke 2:46-47). He’s the wordsmith with the exquisite combination of words that evade the legalistic Pharisees (Matthew 22:15-22). He’s the son who, at the point of death, thinks first of his mother’s welfare (John 19:26-27). He’s the self-disciplined master of nonviolence (Matthew 26:52).

Jesus was comfortable with all of these roles because, like God, he had a sense of humor. Spaciousness and humor characterize supple minds. They’re also the traits of bending green branches. It’s the hard brittle branches that snap. Hardened minds take extreme measures lacking all humor—jettisoning planes into buildings and bombing abortion clinics.
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Humor tempers and saves our tradition.


David Frenette’s book The Path of Centering Prayer reenergized the Centering Prayer tradition with its fresh insights and teachings.  Centering Prayer Meditations: Effortless Contemplation to Deepen Your Experience of God is a wonderful companion audio program  created to be equally rewarding as a stand-alone guide – gives listeners an immersive resource to learn contemplative prayer, step by step and in the moment. With clarity and compassionate presence, Frenette explains the essential principles of this contemplative practice for both new and seasoned practitioners, and then guides us experientially through core prayers and meditations.

BE STILL AND LISTEN: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life

ISBN: 978-1612618654
Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Number of pages: 160
Publication Date: June 12th, 2018

Where to Buy

BE STILL AND LISTEN books are available at
many fine bookstores including. . .

Audio Book:


Healing The Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots

ISBN: 978-1-62032-365-6
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Number of pages: 316
Publication Date: March 29, 2013

Where to Buy

Healing The Divide books are available at
many fine bookstores including. . .

