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Introduction to Feminism* 02-01-2014

We are called to a ministry of reconciliation. -2 Corinthians 5:18

When I was a senior in High School, my sister who is three years older than me, was enrolled in college, where she became a self-declared Feminist. This was largely a result of Feminist Courses she was taking at The University of Connecticut. I remember a subsequent heated argument that my sister got into with my dad during Christmas break, which ended in tears.

My sister and I have always been close due to the fact that my family traveled a lot during my growing up years. And when I would get to a new country, like Bolivia for example, I didn’t have any friends, so I had to make do with ‘sis. So, following my dad and sister’s Christmas argument, I vowed that when I got to college, I would take a course in Feminism so that I could be educated on the subject and more importantly, so I could be conversant with my sister about a subject so close to her heart.

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As a result of the class I became versed in some of the same Feminist literature with which my sister was familiar, authors such as Adrienne Rich, Phyllis Trible, and Virginia Woolf. As a result, in the years to come, doors opened to heart-to-heart talks with my sister about Feminism and about some of her experiences as a woman.

Originally I took “Introduction to Feminism” out of love for my sister, in order to narrow a gap that was growing between us. I came away from the experience with much more than the reconciliation I sought. I came away with greater clarity and understanding of inequality and injustice in our world. I came away angered by systematic suppression and injustices against women throughout world history. And, I came away with a widened sense of my own belonging to the human family as a whole, girls and boys, sisters and brothers, women and men.

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Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
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Dimensions: 6 x 9
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