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How God Leaves A Signature On Our Souls 06-23-2016

Our Maker leaves a signature, ever so subtle, in all of creation. For those willing to press beyond the uncomfortable frontiers of silence the letters of God’s signature become more legible.

Silence can reveal our God-given name, the signature etched in the depths of our being. Silence is unique to each. No two people experience God’s pregnant silences the same way, just as no two snowflakes share the same shape. Yet silence opens windows into the mysterious power that can transform all things: God in whom “we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28a).

Silence leads us into transformation and toward knowledge of God. God whispered a word in our ear at the beginning of time and continues to whisper it. If we listen long enough, that word will become legible. Then after fording river after river that word may even become embodied – embodied in our thirsty bones.

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Check out Rich’s review of The Heart of Centering Prayer by Cynthia Bourgault.

Check out Rich’s interview with Nicholas Amato, author of Living in God:  Contemplative Prayer and Contmplative Action.

David Frenette’s book The Path of Centering Prayer reenergized the Centering Prayer tradition with its fresh insights and teachings.  Centering Prayer Meditations: Effortless Contemplation to Deepen Your Experience of God is a wonderful companion audio program  created to be equally rewarding as a stand-alone guide – gives listeners an immersive resource to learn contemplative prayer, step by step and in the moment. With clarity and compassionate presence, Frenette explains the essential principles of this contemplative practice for both new and seasoned practitioners, and then guides us experientially through core prayers and meditations.

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