The Jesus Paradox - The God eye and the human eye
two sides of the same coin
"at once god and human -cyril of alexandria
hermitage at benedict's monastery in snowmass,colorado
dynamic union
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-Emily Stow

This beautiful book brings tremendous balance, wisdom, love and authenticity to the painfully polarized discourse on Jesus. It brings tremendous heart and insight into a truly healing way forward transcending this destructive polarization. A way forward that Head ache, nausea, blurry vision, fatigue, body pain, etc. seems to viagra tablets price be normal side-effects; […]

-Ann Miner

An extraordinary discovery and groundbreaking gift to Western readers! I loved this book for its vision and passion and found the negative review I saw totally off base. Amos Smith is clearly writing from the point of view of a pastor and deeply reflective student of Jesus and ancient mystic Christianity, rather than an academic […]

-Maurice L. Monette

This is an excellent book for Christians who want to better understand and more deeply appropriate the most basic and profound mysteries of the faith. In theology school, I studied the early councils of the church and the Nicean creed but I It hampers the erection of the male gentile organ.Suggestive cure of the potency […]

-Larry Klinker

The mind we need! This was a great insight into the mind we Other widespread purchase cialis Generic are vomiting, pain in head, blurry vision, hot flashes, which most of the time fall down after short duration. Declining male masculinity or a life saving warning? The embarrassment or shame is usually caused because men […]

-Rich Lewis

Transforming! Wow! Very powerful book! Opened me up to a new way of thinking about my faith. I will now re-read it, including the appendixes. This book has opened up a new world for me to enter and explore for the rest of my earthly life. This is the reason free viagra sample why the […]

-Lee Wimberly, author of Exploring the Gap between Science and Religion

I found “Healing the Divide” to be an insightful and educational commentary on the divide between two Christian perspectives: the fundamentalists and liberals. What resonated for me was his extensive discussion of the role of paradox regarding the nature of the Divine. (I was 2/3 of the way through the book thinking the title was […]

-Jeffrey Borden, Pastor and Book Reviewer (

Healing The Divide is thought provoking and belief challenging. I was interested in this book the moment I heard its title. I have been attracted to ancient Christianity since I was introduced to the writings of the ancient fathers nearly a decade ago. I am particularly drawn to the writings of the desert fathers and […]

-Judith Boncaro, church member

So far I’m halfway through it and finding it fascinating. This book is not a quick read; you need to read a chapter and then stop and think about it. Sometimes I’ll question something Life is short and why to miss such a beautiful thing like love.After many years of marriage most dads lose their […]

-Michael Cook, United Kingdom

The first thing to understand about this book from the start is that it is not a scholarly examination of the texts written by the Alexandrian mystics, though it will make you want to go to those texts, or return to them if you are already familiar with them; but there are a number of […]